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The Thrilling Tales of Cah Cah: The Problem With Sinning And Arguments That End With "Because God"

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Problem With Sinning And Arguments That End With "Because God"

If there is one thing religious lunatics (and that does not include all religious people) love to go on about it's the concept of sin. Everywhere they look people are committing sins and it's their god given right duty to inform everyone and anyone who will listen, that what they're doing is wrong while molesting children living righteous lives themselves.


Now, I don't mind people being like this - OK who am I kidding, people like this awaken feelings of violence I didn't know I had - but what I mean is if people want to live their lives out of a book that's not Harry Potter, that's their business. When they start calling basic and quite frankly very simple concepts "madness" and "lunacy" because GOD, I get anxious. I was watching a documentary about LGBT children and the parents that love them, and some of the comments it got really irritated me. Sure, they were rude, disgusting, revolting remarks, made by really, really stupid people, but that's not what irritated me. What was it then? The use of "God" as a mental health diagnostic tool. Before I move on, let me make one thing very clear:

*Disclaimer* Out of respect for my religious friends and family, who are amazing, loving, understanding, and caring individuals, I shall try to be nice about it. While I maintain absolutely no respect for religion, religious practices, religious ideas, or just about anything that has anything to do with religion, as I find the practice of religion outdated, harmful, and very dangerous, I do respect religious people who maintain a love for their fellow man. OK, now the message.

In my humble opinion, religion is as made up as the Harry Potter books, only far less entertaining, and with much worse story lines than what good old Rowling came up with. If she'd written a religion, I'd probably find it worth belonging to, to be honest. HAIL ROWLING. OK, back to the point. Religion is complete and utter nonsense. The belief in invisible deities, magic (oh no, I'm sorry it's not "magic" it's "miracles"), and let's not forget the teaching of being ashamed of and hating just about everything that makes us human, is absolutely incomprehensible to me, but then again I'm very comfortable with being a human being and the bodily desires that comes with it.

We're all just human beans, elderpeoplechildren.

However, as with everything else, if that's what you want to do in your private life, I'm fine with it. Do I wish religion was eradicated? Yes. Do I think it should be banned? Yes No! OK, I do, I do! I fucking hate religion! But would I ever support any initiative that wanted to ban religion? NO! Because I think people should be free to live their lives exactly how they want! If that includes vengeful invisible sky wizards and magic tricks, that's fine! *Oprah voice* HOWEVEEEEEEEER! When these people start passing laws, limiting rights, and even quoting their holy books in what is supposed to be intellectual debates, shit has gone far enough. How did we end up in a world, where in 2014 religion is still taken so seriously that politicians get to use it as their election strategy? I can't make sense of it! I imagine it's because of this apparent acceptance of religion as something perfectly reasonable that they feel it's OK to label something as "madness because God", having spent no time at all even bothering to understand the by now pretty well understood mechanics of these things. The distinction between these people, and other religious people who "disagree" with the "lifestyle choices" made by some is that if you simply say "I disagree because God", you're only expressing your own opinion, and freely admitting to how uneducated that opinion is. I prefer this to adopting scientific terminology, hiding behind titles of Dr Something, and then saying something like "Homosexuality is not biological. The evidence for it is futile at best. Besides, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. It's a sin." See the difference?

Are we really going to listen to these people? Their attempts at reasoning seldom produce anything solid.

This brings us to the concept of "sin". I can tell you right now that I have done and still do a lot of things considered to be very sinful. Does that mean I'm doing anything harmful or wrong? No. I'm not religious, therefore these things don't apply to me (whether you'd like them to or not). I have many gay friends. They are ALL sinners before GOD. Does that mean that what and who they are is wrong in any way, shape or form? No! From, say a Christian point of view, they are all sinners etc., but from a scientific point of view (from which I look at the world) there is nothing wrong with being gay. In fact, science doesn't even bother to consider this. What we are looking for is what causes some people to be heterosexual and others to be homosexual because it's interesting and is another mystery to solve. From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with having multiple sexual partners either. In fact, I encourage you to explore your sexuality if you so desire. If not, then don't. That's the beauty of being free - you get to choose your own life and you get to decide what is right for you, yourself!

If Dobby can do it, so can you!

"At the end of the day" (that saying is so annoying) it wouldn't even matter if being gay or transgender was a lifestyle choice in the same way that choosing the amount of sexual partners you have is. Why should it bother the rest of us? Why do people care? I suggest you fill up your existence with enriching activities and stop worrying so much about other people (this coming from a girl with a blog - the irony is not lost on me!).

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At June 4, 2014 at 6:39 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

As long as believing without evidence / faith continues to be considered a virtue, we will have to live with these ridiculous problems. It's time to actually point out the ridiculousness of these beliefs and stop respecting preposterous opinions just because they're labeled "religion"..!

At June 5, 2014 at 2:54 AM , Blogger Cah Cah said...

Agreed. I respect people's right to believe whatever they please - that freedom is very important! However, I reserve the right to ridicule these beliefs as much as I desire - that freedom is equally as important.The issue we're faced with is that they compare their belief that for example homosexuality is a sin with (what they consider to be) our "belief" that there's nothing wrong with homosexuals. The two are incomparable! On one side you have people saying "being gay is WRONG because GOD!" and on the other you have people saying "Well actually, this happens because so and so, and even if it didn't - who cares? Even if it was a choice to be gay, why does it affect you? If you take your god out of the equation, please give me one reason. The "it's not natural" chant doesn't apply either, as having a same-sex partner is as natural to gay people as having an opposite sex partner is to straight people. What's natural to one person might not be natural to someone else. One thing is very certain: trying to be straight when you're gay, acting against your instincts, your *natural* urges, is anything but natural.


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