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The Thrilling Tales of Cah Cah: Body Image Issues: Barbie, Models, Photoshop, and.. Mannequins?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Body Image Issues: Barbie, Models, Photoshop, and.. Mannequins?

A friend of mine on Facebook posted a photo to his wall that I found very interesting. Take a look at this:

All overweight women have 12 chins. So realistic.

     Many people seem to think that Barbie is to blame for a lot of the body image issues that young girls suffer from, and try hard to push for a real Barbie that has actual humanlike proportions. They apparently also want a plus-sized Barbie. They feel that Barbie is an unhealthy advocate for what women should look like. Let me address a few issues here. Creating a Barbie at the other end of the unhealthy spectrum, advocating another unhealthy body image solves no problems. Adding a ridiculous amount of chins to would be "plus-sized Barbie" is just plain offensive. I know many overweight people - none of them have than many chins. "Realistic" Barbie basically looks like a cross between a midget and a fat toddler. She might have "realistic" proportions, but she doesn't look anymore "real" to me. Besides, Barbie isn't real! She's not supposed to be: SHE'S A DOLL. A fantasy. I think people are exaggerating the effect Barbie has on young girls, and if you really want to attack something, join the other "anti photoshop" people - Now THERE is something with an impact.

LEAVE BARBIE ALONE! Where's Chris Crocker when you need him?

     When I think back to my childhood, I never remember Barbie as being a source of unhappiness for me, nor does Barbie have ANYTHING to do with my beauty ideals nowadays. I prefer dark hair, green eyes, a full bottom, and quite frankly anything latina. I never, ever, ever in my life wanted to look like a Barbie doll. If you want to attack something that gives unhealthy beauty ideals, attack Angelina Jolie! Her face is so perfect it's heartbreaking.

You're not sorry. I still forgive you though.

     Then there's the thing about models.. I understand the desire to have thin models, HOWEVER, you don't have to go too far back (think pre heroin chic) to find skinny but not emaciated-looking models. It really is getting ridiculous nowadays. I come from a *very* thin family in general (my mom was around 105 lbs/7.5 stone before she got pregnant with me) so I'm used to skinny, but some of the women we are presented with now are so skinny it literally takes my focus off the clothes because I get so repulsed by the boniness.

Still think photoshop is the biggest culprit!

     There's apparently a mannequin battle going on as well, which is just.. ridiculous. They are dolls there to sell clothes. If you get insecure by looking at a mannequin you have much deeper issues. Seriously, go see a shrink.
     On a final note, I'd like to address the "love thyself" motto everyone is promoting nowadays. I never understood the whole thing about "learning to embrace your size" etc. This is not because I mind people being a larger size. I don't care what other people look like. However, if YOU care what size you are, you don't have to "learn to embrace" anything. You don't have to stay unhappy. Losing weight, contrary to what the food/exercise industry wants you to believe, is really easy. The only reason they tell you it's difficult is because they make a TON of money off you using all sorts of supplements, exercise plans, diet tricks, special foods etc. trying to lose weight, when all you really have to do is clean up what you eat, and create a moderately active lifestyle for yourself. No special diets needed! Just choose to make healthy (or at least semi-healthy) foods your main choice, and go for a brisk walk 3 - 4 times a week and you're all set! Now, this won't turn you into a Victoria's Secret model, mind you. Looking like Gisele Bundchen is not easy. Looking like Candice Swanepoel is not easy. Getting a body like that requires dedication and a lot of work, but being an averagely fit/slim person doesn't take too much work (for most people). Of course some people are more prone to being overweight than others, but even in those cases it's still not your genes that are making you fat - it's how you live. You have to be that much more strict. Is it unfair? Yes! But so are a lot of things! Some people have to work harder in school to amount to something, some people have to work harder at sports to be good at them, and some people have to work harder to stay slim. We're dealt different cards and have to live accordingly if we want to make the most of our ourselves.

If easy weight gain is what's making you think that, you should count your blessings.

     To recap: if you're big and loving it - good for you! But if you're big and unhappy - you don't have to "learn to accept it"! You can lose weight! Loving yourself shouldn't be about what size you are, but WHO you are. Being happy in your body, however, does become a lot easier when you're HEALTHY. I will NEVER get the body I think is the perfect dream body, because I'm simply not built the way that I think is "ideal", but I can get the healthiest and most appealing version of ME and be happy with that. Just remember that whatever you do, make sure you do it for yourself. Don't try to lose weight (or gain weight for that matter) to please others. If you're happy with yourself, others should be happy for you!

Hope y'all are happy and having a lovely time over the holidays.

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